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The Clarity Service
When you know who you are and what you're destined to have, 
you'll go to the ends of the earth to make it happen.


You know you were born to stand out for your natural brilliance by doing something that only you can do, better than anyone else, in the world.  You dream of being free to live life on your terms, being your own boss and waking up to do what you love. 

But you’re hesitant to make a break for it. Deep down you’re questioning if you’ve really got what it takes. Pursuing your dreams combined with the day to day responsibilities of paying your bills, seem worlds apart. If only you knew the direction to take, how to get started and when to make your first move, so you can finally go for it. 


Numerology can provide the breakthrough insights that give you the confidence to believe in yourself and the courage to
go for your dreams


Discover your unique six digit code that reveals your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, True Self Number, Personality Number, Soul Mission Number and Personality Number. Now you can really value what makes you different and how you can stand out for your accomplishments.


Discover the nine year growth cycle you're currently in. Bespoke to you, your personal Opportunity & Challenge Numbers point to what you need to become to achieve the success you deserve at this stage of your life.


Discover the one thing you must focus on that will bring you breakthrough growth and success this year.


See, laid out before you, your bespoke map for the year ahead which shows you the way to reach your goals as soon as possible. Tracks the course of your year, month by month. Pinpoint the three pivotal milestone dates where you must take big action to land your goals.


Get your 12 month, step by step plan bespoke to you and the business and life you want to create. 


What a breath of fresh air this feels like. To know who you are and where you’re going. It frees up a lot of energy to get on and do it. With this new found confidence you are compelled to move forwards, assured that you’re now heading in the right direction. Now you’re open to the opportunities that cross your path, that magically take you closer to the life you're destined to lead.  What are you waiting for? Let's go.



I'll guide you every step of the way.

The Discovery Session

To get started you’ll have a two hour Discovery Session with me via Zoom. During this consultation you’ll get clear on your value and what’s really important for the year ahead. Once you have your numerological codes you’ll feel inspired and fired up to take decisive action.

The Reference Materials

Following your initial consultation, I’ll email you the recording of your Discovery Session.  You can choose to play this in forthcoming years for those moments when you need to remember who you are and what you’re capable of. Plus I'll send you a ‘How it Works’ guide to interpreting your own numerological codes and what this means for you for years to come.

The Prosperous You Report

Within three days you'll receive your bespoke Prosperous You Report which provides detailed insights into your natural brilliance and how you'll make your mark in the world. You will refer back to this throughout your lifetime!

The Prosperous Year Report

Within three days you'll receive your navigation report for your year ahead. This plots out your direction for success, from the bigger picture of the nine year growth cycle you're in, to this year ahead, to the specific clear-cut steps you must take for breakthrough progress.



The Prosperity Plan

Once you have digested your reports, we'll book in a consultation to plot out the actions you need to take, month by month, over the year for optimum success. You will receive your workbook for the year ahead, three days after the planning session. 

The Clarity Call

Finally, you’ll have a follow-up one hour Clarity Call with me, via Zoom. Having reflected on all these brilliant insights into you, the purpose of this completion session is to put this knowledge into action. You’ll get clear on the first action to take that sends out a clear signal that you’re ready to claim the destiny that is yours.


It's time to put your best foot forwards. There’s no going back. And why would you want to? You’re fired up for the journey ahead. This is what you were born to do. The success you dreamed of is right there in front of you. Fortune favours the brave.



Once we've agreed the date for your initial Discovery Session, you'll receive an invoice for the full amount. Receipt of payment confirms your booking.

And then I can begin preparing everything you need to move forwards. 


I can't wait to get started with you on your groundbreaking journey. 


Warmest Wishes, 


Frea O'Brien

My Numerologist

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