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Results Service
If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together. I’ve got your back every step of the way.

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You’ve already taken the courageous leap to start your business. Driven by a sense of purpose you’ve created something that brings value to the people you serve. So if this is what you were born to do, why does it feel so hard to make money? Why is the income not abundantly flowing in? Why does it always feel like you’re constantly just generating enough to meet your bills before you start the cycle of hustle again and again? Where have you gone wrong? Surely the hardest thing was to dare to take the leap in the first place? 

So why isn’t it happening like you thought it would? 

To make matters worse, well-meaning friends and family keep offering you advice which makes you question if you’ve really got what it takes? This daily battleground is slowly eroding your self belief. You’re torn between turning back to the job you once knew or whether to keep stumbling on in the hope that success is just around the corner. 

You need a guide with the intelligence and experience to guide you. 

This is where you need the support to make it through this unchartered territory. Trust me, what you’re experiencing is the turbulent path of the entrepreneur. You’ve probably heard that outside the comfort zone is the magic? But what no one tells you about is the turbulence to get there! Developing the resilience to weather these growing pains rewards you handsomely with the magic which makes it all worth it. 

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First of all, you’re going to come up for a breathe of fresh air! Let’s back up and get perspective. Let’s check into your unique numerological codes to make sure you’re creating the business that’s right for you as the vehicle to achieve your dreams. 

This is crucial because to achieve your dream you have to be in this for the long haul. Love is the fuel that keeps you weathering the highs and lows that every entrepreneur experiences. This really is a hero’s journey! So we need to check in that you love what you do, so that you stick with it, build credibility, reputation, attract customers and increase your money as the fuel to keep the magic alive in what you’re doing. 

Get Results: About Me


Numerology can provide the breakthrough insights that give you the confidence to believe in yourself and the courage to
go for your dreams


Discover your unique six digit code that reveals your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, True Self Number, Personality Number, Soul Mission Number and Personality Number. Now you can really value what makes you different and how you can stand out for your accomplishments.


Discover the nine year growth cycle you're currently in. Bespoke to you, your personal Opportunity & Challenge Numbers point to what you need to become to achieve the success you deserve at this stage of your life.


Discover the one thing you must focus on that will bring you breakthrough growth and success this year.


See, laid out before you, your bespoke map for the year ahead which shows you the way to reach your goals as soon as possible. Tracks the course of your year, month by month. Pinpoint the three pivotal milestone dates where you must take big action to land your goals.

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Now, that you’re centred in your natural brilliance, let’s work with your numerological codes to understand how you can make prosperous progress over the next year.

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Numerology can help you find your lane and stay in it! Calculated from your unique numerological codes, there is a sound plan that's tailored for you. Adjusting to this plan means that you can boldly move forwards and set sail towards your cherished destination with confidence. 


Clarify the goals that really matter this year and make the adjustments to be on course to achieve them. Commit to where you want too be in one year's time. Start by getting clear on where you are now and the income you need to generate to materialise your desired way of living.


Discover your Personal Month Numbers which instruct you on the specific action to take month by month to establish your foundation for success.


Identify specific growth opportunities across the year and the precise dates to take action that elevates you to new levels of success. 

Pace your business growth according to the key milestone dates knowing when you’ve got to work it and when it’s time to take a step back and recharge your batteries. 

Breakdown your growth, development and income targets so that they align with the flow of your year, so you can steadily tick off each accomplishment, building confidence as you go. 

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Your numerological codes will show you precisely when the time is right to give it your all and go for breakthrough levels of income growth.

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Numerology can help you put your attention where it matters.
Work it to have The Works in your life.


Your Prosperity Map will pinpoint the most opportune month for you to roll up your sleeves and put yourself into your zone of genius. This is when you get to work with the magic of the Prosperity Pot. The more you fill this up, the greater your results. Tailored to you, you have to commit to four daily practices that help you to build momentum to achieve new levels of income growth. 

By completing these four sacred prosperity practices each day for 21 days, you'll defy gravity through the gravitas of your Great Work. Self mastery leads to Money Magic. 

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Frea O'Brien, My Numerologist

"Imagine sharing with the world what you intend to do and the dreams you intend to have, 
by proving it first. "

Get Results: Quote


The path you're on is the path least travelled.
Less than 5% of women, 17% of men, dare to run their own business. So you are one of a kind! 
I'll guide you ever step of the way. 
Only diamonds can cut other diamonds. 
Ill be at your side as the navigator on your support crew. 
I can guide you to take the clear cut steps to achieve sustainable growth, prosperity and fulfilment. 
Here's how we'll do this......

The Discovery Session

To get started you’ll have a two hour Discovery Session with me via Zoom. During this consultation you’ll get clear on your value and what’s really important for the year ahead. Once you have your numerological codes you’ll feel inspired and fired up to take decisive action.

The Reference Materials

Following your initial consultation, I’ll email you the recording of your Discovery Session.  You can choose to play this in forthcoming years for those moments when you need to remember who you are and what you’re capable of. Plus I'll send you a ‘How it Works’ reference guide to interpreting your own numerological codes and what this means for years to come.

The Prosperous You Report

Within three days you'll receive your bespoke Prosperous You Report which provides detailed insights into your natural brilliance and how you'll make your mark in the world. You will refer back to this throughout your lifetime!

The Prosperous Year Report

Within three days you'll receive your navigation report for your year ahead. This plots out your direction for success, from the bigger picture of the nine year growth cycle you're in, to this year ahead, to the specific clear-cut steps you must take for breakthrough progress.

The Prosperity Planning Session

Now you’ve seen the vision of what is possible, you’re going to roll your sleeves up and plan to make this happen. You’ll have a two hour Prosperity Planning Session with me via Zoom. During this session we’ll get clear on where you are now and what stage of business you’re at. We’ll get clear on the goals and income growth that you really desire for the year ahead.

The Prosperity Tracker

Immediately, following your Prosperity Planning Session,  I’ll email you the recording because there’s bound to be actions that you feel fired up to take today!

Within three days, you’ll receive your Prosperity Tracker. This includes your annual goals, your income tracker, your sales and business development to-do list and most importantly your month by month action plan that moves you towards achieving your goals.

The Clarity Call

Finally, you’ll have a follow-up one hour Clarity Call with me, via Zoom. Having reflected on all these brilliant insights into you, the purpose of this completion session is to put this knowledge into action. You’ll get clear on the first action to take that sends out a clear signal that you’re ready to claim the destiny that is yours.

The Monthly Navigation Session

Each month we’ll meet up to review your progress against your Prosperity Tracker. We’ll take the care to analyse what needs adjusting and what to do more of because it’s working really well. You’ll adjust your targets for the month ahead. And then for inspiration you’ll gain the intelligence indicated by the Personal Month Number ahead. 

Following each monthly meeting you’ll receive your updated Prosperity Tracker, a summary report and a sales target sheet to keep you focused for the month ahead. 

The Annual Appreciation Session

To complete your year, you'll have a two hour Appreciation Session with me via Zoom. Let's celebrate how far you've come, the success you've achieved and the lessons you've learned. We'll take stock to see what you want to take forwards for next year.  This is the most important session of your year. The deeper your appreciation for how far you've come, the further you'll go in your year ahead.

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Frea O'Brien, My Numerologist

"You are driven by your heart and your God-given talent. If you start to look at what other people are doing to the left of you and the right of you, you lose clarity of thought. Own your decisions. Own who you are, without apology".

Get Results: Quote


Choosing the right guide for you is crucial to the success of your journey. Let me put some cards on the table about my beliefs and what you can expect from working with me. If we're on the same page, then let's go! 

I’ll help you be realistic about what you can achieve in the year ahead. Proving your worth is not the same as your Self Worth. Proving your worth is established entirely by your ability to provide a useful service that others love and that you love providing. A useful service is the one dependable, sustainable method of accumulating wealth. 

Throughout the year, I’ll guide you to continually test and refine the quality and quantity of your service. Making adjustments to your service will determine its worth, its value to your customers and your confidence to adjust the pricing to make sure that you are fully appreciated in this exchange. 

Month on month, we're going to take a measured approach, keeping a close eye on the growth of the numbers that really matter to you. Where attention goes, prosperity flows. When something is tended with loving care, it flourishes. 

By holding the space for account-ability you have the response-ability to make intelligent choices every step of the way. When you get into the habit of making decisions quickly you will have the momentum to move forwards, as well as the persistence to follow through with your plans for successful completion. 

Each month we'll work with your numbers. From your numerological codes and  Personal Month Numbers for inspiration. To the calculation of your bottomline income numbers for your income growth. The link between inspiration to calculation is 'application'. How you apply yourself through your ability to work. The average business owner works a minimum of 45 hours per week. So we'll look at how you can work efficiently and effectively to get those results whilst maintaining your well-being, which is vital for your journey. 

Get Results: About Me


Once we've agreed the date for your initial Discovery Session, you'll receive an invoice for one of two payment options. Choose the one that's right for you to make this happen. 

First of all you can choose to pay the full amount of £1,997. This is to be paid prior to your initial Discovery Session. 

Or you can opt for an annual payment plan which includes an initial payment of £497, to be paid in advance of the initial Discovery Session. And then for the year ahead, 12 monthly instalments of £147, each to be made prior to the Monthly Navigation session. 

Let's get your initial session booked in and then  I can begin preparing everything you need to move forwards. 

I can't wait to get started with you on your groundbreaking journey. 

Warmest Wishes, 

Frea O'Brien

My Numerologist

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